Sunday, August 30, 2009

Teen Texting While Driving

Every year more and more car accidents are linked to people that are texting while driving. Many internet sites focus on the growing problem and concerns with how to get the message across and stop this from happening. is one of these sites and it provides details such as the states that have already banned texting while driving. 18 states and the District of Columbia now ban text messaging for all drivers. Novice Drivers: 9 states prohibit text messaging by novice drivers. This is because Teenagers make up large part of the total of text related deaths each year. In Tallahassee, Florida Representative Doug Holder is introducing legislation to ban texting while driving and it is believed that many states will follow.
This is a good start but will teens really stop texting when they think they can hide it from the police and not get a ticket? What really will make them stop texting when they probably don’t worry about speeding or wearing a seat belt!
Statement from Teen: I love to text but it should not be done while driving!
With vehicle options now-a-days like OnStar could parents purchase services that would inform them immediately if their child is driving and texting was being done within the vehicle? Could this type of service be available with all vehicles or possibly have a device that will not allow the vehicle to operate if a cell phone is in texting mode without taking peoples rights away? These questions would require an inquiry design team using CATWOE to identify the customers, Actors, Transformation process, is it meaningful, who would be the owner and environmental constraints.
What can we do to keep our teens safe?

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